About Us
We believe that all men deserve a full and active life,
no matter what their age
We all want to stay active, prevent illnesses and maintain our ‘handsome good looks’ as time passes. And we believe that good nutrition plays a key role in our overall physical health. We want to help you with this so we’ve developed a range of nutritional supplements and vitamins, specifically with men in mind.
We combine modern scientific research with ancient herbal medicine to bring you the only range designed specifically for men as they age. We only source all natural ingredients in our products and make sure they’re independently tested too. Eating a varied a balanced diet helps a lot but when it’s not possible to get everything you need from food alone, we’re here to support you.
We’re best known for our leading prostate supplement, ‘Ultimate Prostate Support’. We’re honoured to have helped thousands of guys across America regain their confidence and energy back thanks to our supplement. As well as a good night’s sleep!
When customers tell us how much it’s helped them, that’s what really makes it all worthwhile. We always like to know how our customers are doing with our products and I’d encourage you to contact us and tell us.
“I have seen absolute relief I am truly amazed as this product actually works wonders and has restored quality to my life.”
Source: Amazon.com
Our Story

We are not affiliated or connected in any way with the company selling ‘Alphaflow‘ and ‘Alpharise‘ E.D supplements.
I have always had a passion for health since I was young. My father is 50 years older than me so growing up I became aware of his health issues as well as other family members early on. He’s 92 (2019) and still going strong by the way.
Alpha Rise was started in 2015 with a mission to address men’s prostate health. By developing the now legendary, comprehensive formula we have helped thousands of Americans take back control of their enlarged prostate glands. Known as the Alpha Rise ‘Ultimate Prostate Support’ this formula became legendary. Other’s tried but ours is the best and the original.
In 2018 we became part of the VitAlign Health family, based in the UK. We believe this will help us further help men in the US and Worldwide. All of our products remain manufactured and tested in the USA.
We continue to develop products specifically to help men and raise their inner Alpha. Men deserve the best support they can get and we’re here to provide it.
Alpha Rise: Dedicated to men’s health because men’s health matters!