

When someone is not just devoted to what he loves it is not called realism, lack of resources or impossibility: it is called conformism.

It is necessary to regain the passion and bring it to all areas of our life. Your life does not begin when you finish work; your life began at birth. If what you love is singing, singing; if what you love is surfing, riding a surf school, and if what you love is to write, just do it, it’s time to create your own universe of simplicity.

Do what you love. Do not be your plan B, fight for what you love.

It is necessary to regain the passion and bring it to all areas of our life. Your life does not begin when you finish working; your life began at birth. If what you love is singing, sing then, if what you love is surfing, go surfing then, and if what you love is to write, create your own history or novel.

It is not enough to be happy at work; you have to be in love with what you do in the same way you would with a person.